Defining Objectives for Team Off Site Meetings

Define the Problem Before Finding a Solution

Defining Objectives for Team Offsite Meetings

Defining Objectives for Team Off Site Meetings

What do you really want?

Like a glacier, the surface wants and needs of teams are often driven by unseen deeper wants and needs, which are much larger and less obvious. For example, this weekend I want to see Dune 2 because I saw Dune 1 and I enjoyed the book. My deeper want (or at least I think) is to sit in a theater on a rainy day and shut my brain "off" for a few hours - no decisions, no thinking. Both wants are valid, but you have to think a little more and probe to get to the deeper want. This happens all the time when I work with clients on workshop and offsite objectives.

Coming up with an objective is the most difficult part of what we do.

This was true when I ran workshops and off-sites internally and continues in my client work today. Here is a tip - Use a pre-mortem approach when thinking about the outcomes. Imagine your offsite/workshop is over, and it was a grand success! What does it feel like? What are people saying? How does work change moving forward?

Now imagine the opposite-Your workshop/offsite was a complete failure. What does that look like? What are people saying? What is the impact? Once you get high level answers to these questions, dig deeper using "why" statements - Why is this true? Why is this important? Why is this happening/not happening now? Objectives aren't easy, and it takes some digging to get there. however when you nail it and know what you want, it becomes much easier to craft the path.

Need help with your objectives?

We’ve worked with many companies by digging into success criteria and measuring against what needs to happen to make that occur. Of course we are partial to using playful methods like LEGO Serious Play in order to get results in less time. Contact us today!


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